The Natural History Museum Of Lausanne

Expositions in the Natural History Museum.

                                                                                     The Natural History Museum has only a few
 expositions. And one didn't really change since his creation in 1909, they wanted to do as much as possible to connect it to the animal world. There is the "Grande Gallerie" where  there are most of animals are exposed. Lots of impressive rooms are waiting for you ! You should absolutely not  miss the Great White Shark and other fantastic animals ! It also currently has an exhibit on Darwinism and evolution.
One of the exhibit with more than 50 species of animals that are currently in danger of extinction. There are also 8 species of really rare animals, with 6 of the 8 that are extinct.
If you want to go in the NHML, you need to reserve 1 or 2 weeks before !


The Great White Shark